Review — Predatory by Alexandra Ivy, Nina Bangs, Dianne Duvall, and Hannah Jayne

I’m just going to admit that I picked up PREDATORY because of Dianne Duvall, and while I enjoyed all the short stories, my review is based on Ms. Duvall’s short, IN STILL DARKNESS.

Having said that, I really, really enjoyed IN STILL DARKNESS. Writing a short seems like it’d be a tricky proposition. I mean the author has to fit a lot within a short: introduce characters and make the reader sympathize for them, develop a quick, fast paced plot, nurture a growing attraction, and wrap things up to realistically foster a happily-ever-after ending. Wow, that’s a lot! Out of the shorts I’ve read, I’ve always had a hard time with the insta-love that happens as a result of trying to cram everything in, but thankfully that didn’t happen with IN STILL DARKNESS. I don’t know how Ms. Duvall did it, but the story felt complete and wasn’t rushed for me.

As always, I love the characters and the world Ms. Duvall has created. Richart and Jenna were believable and great together. I also enjoyed the interaction with Jenna’s son, John. Sarah and Roland continue to warm my heart and I was glad to see them. And can I just say…dude! I love Sheldon!

The witty mix of dialogue, action, and romance makes IN STILL DARKNESS a great PNR short!

I’m now anxiously awaiting book five in the Immortal Guardians series, NIGHT UNBOUND.

Focused. Strong. True.

(Click on the image to visit Dianne)

In Still Darkness — Dianne Duvall

The Warlord Wants Forever (IAD #1) by Kresley Cole

First time I’ve read her work…where the hell have I been?

This was a very interesting read and one I totally didn’t expect. Wroth is a vampire who cannot have sex because he hasn’t been “blooded” by his true mate. Myst is a Valkyrie. Valkyrie and vampires are enemies. Ruh-roh! Wroth captures Myst during a battle. She escapes, but not before “blooding” him. Now Wroth considers Myst his true mate and stops at nothing to have her.

I must admit, I felt sorry for poor Wroth. He’s finally able to have sex, yet his true mate skips out on him. His dedication at finding her is admirable although she left him in a very compromising and uncomfortable position.

I wasn’t sure if I’d like Myst since she didn’t appeal to me at first. But through Ms. Cole’s writing, I came to accept and enjoy her. She’s a fighter, strong and independent, yet alone and in need of someone to love. Wroth is loyal to a fault, dedicated, strong and wanting to find the person who’ll complete him. Together, after much fighting and misunderstanding, they find their way to each other.

Loved the world building, secondary characters, and Ms. Cole’s writing style. I’ll be visiting Ms. Cole’s work again.

Focused. Strong. True.

(Click on the image to visit Kresley)

The Warlord Wants Forever — Kresley Cole

Review — Darkness Rises by Dianne Duvall

I loved the chemistry between Etienne and Krysta and really found myself rooting for them. We also get to read about past couples as they contribute to the overall story without detracting from the main characters or slowing down the action. And can I just say that I laugh during any scene where Sheldon opens his mouth! He’s one funny dude!

I whipped through these books in record time and now I’m stuck waiting on the next one in the series. I have so many questions and want to know more about Zach and his fascination with Lisette.

What an enjoyable and intriguing read. So come on, Ms. Duvall, give us Immortal Guardian fans the next one!

Focused. Strong. True.

(Click on the image to visit Dianne)

Darkness Rises — Dianne Duvall

Review — Phantom Shadows by Dianne Duvall

Didn’t think I’d like this one as much as I did. I wasn’t necessarily a big fan of Sebastian (he’s the black sheep of the immortal family) and Melanie hasn’t played a big role in the previous books. Having said that, Bastian totally grew on me! Fell in love with both him and Melanie. They’re a great PNR pairing.

In addition to the continuing plot twists in the overall story (again I was completely surprised…hand clapping for Ms. Duvall), I love the dialogue between the characters. Some of the scenes had me laughing out loud!

Kudos to Ms. Duvall for hooking me into her story. Love this paranormal romance series!

Focused. Strong. True.

(Click on the image to visit Dianne)

Phantom Shadows — Dianne Duvall

Review — Night Reigns by Dianne Duvall

Wow! This is really turning out to be an interesting story. I didn’t see the new plot twists coming at all. I really enjoyed Marcus in the first book, DARKNESS DAWNS, so I’m glad he got top billing in NIGHT REIGNS. Ami is an intriguing heroine who I’ve rooted for from the very beginning. So glad they got their happily ever after.

What I find so fascinating about this series is the overall story that is developing throughout all the books. Ms. Duvall gives the reader just enough hints to tantalize, but not enough to solve the puzzles. I’m so curious to see where she takes this series as a whole and the surprises she has in store for the reader. What a great different take on the vampire/immortal genre.

Focused. Strong. True.

(Click on the image to visit Dianne)

Night Reigns — Dianne Duvall

Review — Darkness Dawns by Dianne Duvall

A friend recommended DARKNESS DAWNS to me and after reading this book, I must admit that my friends have really great taste! DARKNESS DAWNS was a fast, enjoyable read. The writing was sharp and witty and the dialogue kept me engaged. Although I really enjoyed the main characters, Sarah and Roland, the secondary characters also were engaging. Ms. Duvall left some very interesting questions unanswered, which will ensure that I keep reading this series, but still provided closure and the HEA I long for in a paranormal romance.

Strong alpha males, kickass heroines, a sizzling romance, and a happily-ever-after ending equal a delicious read!

Focused. Strong. True.

(Click on the image to visit Dianne).

Review — Twice Tempted by Jeaniene Frost

So, I raved about ONCE BURNED, the first in the Night Prince series. I went on and on in my review about how fantastic ONCE BURNED was then I read TWICE TEMPTED and Jeaniene Frost exceeded all my expectations. Although I didn’t think it possible, I enjoyed TWICE TEMPTED more than ONCE BURNED. Ms. Frost gives the reader more insight into Vlad and the reasoning why he is so cold to Leila at times. It’s not that he doesn’t love Leila, he’s terrified of loving her too much, losing her, then having to endure the pain of her loss.

Leila is just as stubborn and strong-willed as ever, honing her skills while enduring great highs and lows in her life. Together they make a dynamic, incredible couple.

So, I’ve been told that the Night Prince series is a spinoff of Ms. Frost’s extremely popular Night Huntress series. Although I’ve read the first book in the Night Huntress series, in my haste, I also started this series. Because the characters from Night Huntress bleed over into this one, there were a couple of scenes where I missed some backstory as a result of not reading all the Night Huntress books first. However, that minor bump in the road didn’t stop me from immensely enjoying this book…as you can see from my review. You will not be disappointed with these books, no matter where you start!

Focused. Strong. True.
(Click on the image to visit Jeaniene)

Twice Tempted — Jeaniene Frost

Review — Dark Wolf by Christine Feehan

Well, I was totally caught up in this book and turned the page not realizing it was the last one! That’s a good thing and a bad thing. Good because I was so lost within the story, I wasn’t paying attention to the pages. Bad, well, because it just ended! I wouldn’t even say it ended as a cliffhanger. Usually, even with cliffy endings, there’s some sort of resolution within the subplots, but not with DARK WOLF. I was left stranded. Although this ending ensures I’ll continue reading, I just wish there would’ve been a little bit more closure.

I love Christine Feehan’s Carpathian series. The characters are always so well developed that I can’t help but fall in love with them. The characters in DARK WOLF are no different. My heart went out to Dimitri for the torture he endured. Sky also has had her share of pain, but she’s really proving herself and what she’s capable of achieving. Although I had a little bit of a hard time connecting with Sky because she’s so young in my mind, she’s truly become a remarkable woman.

Even with the ending and such a young heroine, I’m definitely glad I read DARK WOLF. Ms. Feehan surely didn’t disappoint.

Focused. Strong. True.

(Click on the image to visit Christine).

Dark Wolf — Christine Feehan

Review — ONCE BURNED by Jeaniene Frost

OMG! I loved ONCE BURNED! The storyline was unique, dialogue witty and filled with humor, and the characters were well developed with flaws and strengths that drew me right into their story. Leila is such an amazing character who has made mistakes in her life and has many challenges to overcome. But instead of hiding from them, she’s willing to face them head-on. I adore her friendship with her little vampire partner, Marty.

Vlad is the original Count Dracula. He’s difficult, arrogant, deadly, arrogant, cruel, and did I mention, arrogant? He’s also passionate, extremely loyal, kind, territorial, considerate, and charming. Yes, he’s a complex person who intrigues me.

I flew through this book, sacrificing sleep and laundry! The ending left me wanting, wanting to read the next book. If the first book is any indication of what’s to come, I’m all in!

Focused. Strong. True.

(Click on the image to visit Jeaniene)

Once Burned — Jeaniene Frost

Review — Halfway to the Grave by Jeaniene Frost

HALFWAY to the GRAVE took me my surprise. Although it was recommended by a friend, I honestly didn’t think I’d enjoy it as much as I did to the point I really, really wanted to skip to the end to read what happened. (I haven’t had that urge in a long time and thought I’d broken that bad habit).

Catherine “Cat” is a 22 year old half vampire, half human misfit who has hidden her abilities from the world her entire life. She hunts and kills vampires as revenge for her mom who was raped by a vampire. In a botched attempt at seducing and killing Bones (a very old vampire), she gets kidnapped and ultimately is forced to help him in his job as a vampire bounty hunter.

Cat is a delicious, tough heroine with enough insecurities and vulnerabilities to make me root for her from the beginning. And Bones? Well, he’s hot, gorgeous, and very territorial over Cat. What’s not to like? Bones also isn’t the typical vampire I tend to read about because he’s more open with his feelings toward Cat, which also makes him vulnerable in a way…and that’s a nice change from the alpha male stereotype. In fact, he expresses his love much sooner than Cat.

The ending only confirmed that I must read the next in the series to see what happens to this emerging couple, and what a great couple they appear to be.

Focused. Strong. True.

(Click on the image to visit Jeaniene)

Halfway to the Grave — Jeaniene Frost
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