First time I’ve read her work…where the hell have I been?
This was a very interesting read and one I totally didn’t expect. Wroth is a vampire who cannot have sex because he hasn’t been “blooded” by his true mate. Myst is a Valkyrie. Valkyrie and vampires are enemies. Ruh-roh! Wroth captures Myst during a battle. She escapes, but not before “blooding” him. Now Wroth considers Myst his true mate and stops at nothing to have her.
I must admit, I felt sorry for poor Wroth. He’s finally able to have sex, yet his true mate skips out on him. His dedication at finding her is admirable although she left him in a very compromising and uncomfortable position.
I wasn’t sure if I’d like Myst since she didn’t appeal to me at first. But through Ms. Cole’s writing, I came to accept and enjoy her. She’s a fighter, strong and independent, yet alone and in need of someone to love. Wroth is loyal to a fault, dedicated, strong and wanting to find the person who’ll complete him. Together, after much fighting and misunderstanding, they find their way to each other.
Loved the world building, secondary characters, and Ms. Cole’s writing style. I’ll be visiting Ms. Cole’s work again.
Focused. Strong. True.
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