I love the world Ms. Vaughan has created. The scenes with Lara teaching Keir about chess and how it spreads throughout the camp and grows into a massive chess tournament are hysterical! I really got a kick out of those scenes.
Keir still knocks my socks off. He is one sexy and sometimes very stubborn man who loves Lara completely. And Lara is an amazing heroine, amazing not because she’s a warrior or tough (she’s actually pretty weak compared to the other women), but because of her dedication to her craft.
I was saddened that some of the characters didn’t make it, especially since I enjoyed them so much. And I’ve decided that I truly hate Iften! But Lara’s curse on Iften’s manhood is truly one of the best curses I’ve ever heard, and I’m looking forward to when he finally gets what he deserves.
This good is a good continuation to WARPRIZE and the way it ended ensures that I’ll read WARLORD.
Focused. Strong. True.
(Click on the image to visit Elizabeth)