What a delightful book this turned out to be! I got it on a whim (it was free on Amazon and the blurb sounded interesting) and really didn’t know what to expect. I decided to read a few pages before going to bed and two hours later, I was still in my chair with Kindle in hand, reading!
HOPE(LESS) is written in first POV from Gabby’s perspective and I loved Gabby’s voice. She is a young woman coming into herself who has the ability to see people in different colors. Because of this second sight and the fact she’s different, she discovers that werewolves are real. This isn’t a typical were/human type of story. In fact, Ms. Haag’s take on the genre is not only unique, but really enjoyable.
Clay is the wolf who is destined to be Gabby’s mate and although she tries to get rid of him, he persists in courting her in a fun (and totally unexpected) way throughout most of the book. I won’t give up any details about their burgeoning relationship, but Ms. Haag did a fabulous job building it.
HOPE(LESS) is a young adult romance that packs a clean punch. I enjoyed it immensely.
Focused. Strong. True.
(Click on the image to visit Melissa)