DREAMFEVER is one of those books where the ending would’ve caused me A LOT of heartache if I had to wait for SHADOWFEVER, the next in the series. I do not like cliffhangers and Ms. Moning is a master at leaving me in emotional chaos with her endings. Luckily, however, I didn’t have to wait for SHADOWFEVER.
Even with the cliffy ending, DREAMFEVER, the fourth in the FEVER series doesn’t disappoint. Mac has become one helluva heroine. I have truly enjoyed her transformation from the young, naïve girl into the woman she’s become. But her journey hasn’t been easy, far from it. She’s had to endure and learn to see the best in horrible situations. As for Barrons, well, what can I say? I still don’t know what he is and he can be downright mean at times, but he’s always been there to save Mac. Always. I love the moments when Mac makes him laugh or he shows some true emotion. Barrons can protect my back any day!
DREAMFEVER is a great book, but make sure to have SHADOWFEVER on hand before you finish this one…trust me, you’ll want it.
Focused. Strong. True.
(Click on the image to visit Karen)