DARK LOVER was a good, solid read. I loved the relationship between Beth and Wrath and enjoyed the banter and camaraderie among the brothers. The world-building was strong and inventive. I thought the internal monologs inside the characters’ heads were really funny at times.
What dropped DARK LOVER to a 4 star read for me are personal reasons. I had a hard time connecting with Butch at first. As a once upon a time cop who still works for the department, his disregard for police protocol really bothered me, regardless of the tragedies in his life. I know that makes no sense, right? Here’s a book about vampires and I’m totally accepting of that premise, but a bad cop bothers me! Go figure. However, I did warm up to Butch once he met up with the brothers. (Actually, I really enjoyed how he fit in with the brothers).
I also had a hard time with the way Wrath treated Marissa for all those years, but maybe there’s hope for her yet?
DARK LOVER is a high-quality paranormal romance and I’m glad I had the opportunity to read it. I will read more from this author.
Focused. Strong. True.
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