After reading this book, I can proudly say that I’m no longer a Kristen Ashley virgin! Yay! And I must ask myself why it took me so long to join the party? At least now I understand why KA fans are so loyal … Ms. Ashley writes one hell of a book. Her deep POV style kept me well engaged with the characters, and combined with fantastic world-building, I couldn’t stop reading.
I’m going to confess that I have a passion for vampires and Lucien is a great one! He’s strong, arrogant, and hopelessly devoted to his mate, Leah. Even with his faults, I fell in love with him. And any blunders he made along the way, he more than made up for at the end.
Leah also is a strong, hard-headed, and determined heroine who gives Lucien a run for his money and proves she’s not only a worthy mate, but his equal. Great, great read! Now off to read WITH EVERYTHING I AM, the second in the series.
Focused. Strong. True.
(Click on the image to visit Kristen)