I decided to give this epic fantasy a go after reading some reviews about it and I’m so glad I did. The opening scene sucked me right into the story. I just love books that hook me within the first few pages, better still if within the first few sentences just like WARPRIZE.
Lara is an amazing female protagonist. She has an internal strength and devotion to her craft as a healer that makes her very courageous even though she’s not a warrior. I loved her passion and voice. Keir, the Warlord, wasn’t as clearly depicted for me, maybe because Ms. Vaughan wrote in the heroine’s POV only. Although I still got a good picture of him, I would’ve liked to know what he was thinking during some scenes. I also would’ve liked a little more action in the bedroom, but those nit-picky sentiments didn’t prevent me from enjoying the book.
Ms. Vaughan’s writing style kind of reminds me of Jean Auel and her CLAN of the CAVE BEAR series in that Ms Vaughan is very descriptive in her world building, yet not to the point of dragging out a scene.
I look forward to reading the next in the series, WARSWORN.
Focused. Strong. True.
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